Dear Mr Watterson

This morning I was reading the news and discovered, to my delight, that a documentary was being released about my favorite comic strip ‘Calvin and Hobbes’.

Having then spent the day riding around on my bike and lounging in the sun (Hobbes would be proud.) I came home to discover that the makers of this documentary which I am looking forward to seeing have come across my work during their research and have included it on the website promoting the film!

I wrote a little tune a few years ago that I put on an album of little tunes and it just happened to be called ‘Calvin and Hobbes’ , It just had that sort of feeling about it.

If you haven’t come across the fabulous work of Bill Watterson yet then now is as good a time as any! Check out the website for the movie! (Starting on the music page where I have been humbly included!)

Dear Mr. Watterson Teaser Trailer from Dear Mr. Watterson on Vimeo.

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